How to be successful in Twitter according to your zodiac sign

The horoscope of Twitter

When a child is born, the start of its journey is marked by the first cry. The beginning of one the most successful social networks was marked by an automated tweet that said “just setting up my twttr”, the date, according to Wikipedia, is March 21, 2006, 21.50 PST. 10 minutes after that, @jack – Jack Dorsey (co-founder of Twitter) tweeted the first human-tweet: “inviting coworkers”. From an astrological point of view, it is more correct to use the time of the automated tweet, because it was first. Thanks to this information, we can make a horoscope for Twitter, shown on the chart below.

Let us look at the planets in the Twitter horoscope.
Sun in Aries
Twitter certainly has the energy of spring and the first zodiac sign embodied in it! Mars (the dispositor of the Sun) is in Gemini. Now isn’t that one of the best astrological ways to describe Twitter? This can be interpreted as: “Sending quick, short and informative messages.”

The Ascendant is Scorpio
Аt first, this does not seem appropriative for Twitter. However, a typical characteristic of this Ascendant can be inferred as – underestimated in the beginning, winners in the long run. I think that this suites Twitter perfectly for its development as a social network.

The most important thing about the Twitter horoscope is the rising Jupiter – clearly, Twitter is born under a lucky star! In every astrological book it is stated that, when Jupiter is located in the Ascendant, it will bring social success, fame, popularity and international renown. Twitter was meant to be successful after all it is born under the influence of the ‘Great Benefic’ (Jupiter). Furthermore, the Moon is in Sagittarius, which means that the website is for open-minded people. As we will see, Sagittarius is the most common Ascendant sign in Twitter’s top 12 users!

What about the other planets?
Mercury in conjunction with Uranus in Pisces. How can be this interpreted, I say – a revolutionary idea that will change the Internet. Also a warning, that the use of Twitter lead to addiction!
Venus in conjunction with Neptune in Aquarius. Friendship, based on common ideas and interests. We communicate with people but don’t get emotionally attached with them.
Mars in Gemini – fast exchange of information.
Leo on the Midheaven (the highest point in the horoscope) – the purpose of Twitter is to popularize ideas, events, people and companies. (For those who found that in time, are now benefiting from it!)

Let’s summarize the most important signs in the Twitter horoscope.


It is known, that people who have a good synastry with the astrological chart of a company, have a better realization in it. Let’s see how this works for Twitter.

The top 12 most followed on Twitter
1. Lady Gaga (@ladygaga) – zodiac sign Aries (Twitter’s Sun is in Aries)
2. Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) – zodiac sign Pisces (Twitter’s Mercury is in Pisces)
3. Barack Obama (@BarackObama) – zodiac sign Leo (Twitter’s MC is in Leo)
4. Britney Spears (@britneyspears) – zodiac sign Sagittarius (Twitter’s Moon is in Sagittarius )
5. Katy Perry (@katyperry) – zodiac sign Scorpio (Twitter’s Ascendant is Scorpio)
6. Kim Kardashian (@KimKardashian) – zodiac sign Libra (This sign does not match Twitter’s horoscope)
7. Ashton Kutcher (@aplusk) – zodiac sign Aquarius (Twitter’s Venus is in Aquarius )
8. Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) – zodiac sign Aquarius (Twitter’s Venus us in Aquarius)
9. Taylor Swift (@taylorswift13)- zodiac sign Sagittarius (Twitter’s Moon is in Sagittarius)
10. Shakira (@shakira) – zodiac sign Aquarius ( Twitter’s Venus is in Aquarius)
11. Oprah Winfrey (@Oprah) – zodiac sign Aquarius (Twitter’s Venus is in Aquarius)
12. Rihanna* (@rihanna) – zodiac sign Pisces (Twitter’s Mercury is in Pisces)
(*Selena Gomez also has to be in this group, but she is born between two signs and because we are unaware of the exact time of birth, so we can’t determine her zodiac sign.)

Unbelievable but true, in 91.66% of the cases the signs of the most followed Twitter users match with one of the signs of the Twitter horoscope!

Now let’s check the Ascendants:
1. Lady Gaga – Ascendant Sagittarius (Twitter’s Moon is in Sagittarius)
2. Justin Bieber – Ascendant Scorpio (Twitter’s Ascendant is Scorpio)
3. Barack Obama – Ascendant Aquarius (Twitter’s Venus is in Aquarius)
4. Britney Spears – Ascendant Libra (This sign does not match Twitter’s horoscope)
5. Katy Perry – Unknown time of birth, the ascendant can’t be calculated
6. Kim Kardashian – Ascendant Sagittarius (Twitter’s Moon is in Sagittarius)
7. Аshton Кutcher – Ascendant Gemini (Twitter’s Maris is in Gemini)
8. Ellen DeGeneres Ascendant Sagittarius (Twitter’s Moon is in Sagittarius))
9. Taylor Swift – Ascendant Sagittarius (Twitter’s Moon is in Sagittarius)
10. Shakira – Ascendant Aries (Twitter’s Sun is in Aries)
11. Oprah Winfrey – Ascendant Sagittarius (Twitter’s Moon is in Sagittarius)
12. Rihanna – Unknown time of birth, the ascendant can’t be calculated

Again we have the same results!

Now let’s check the Moon!
1. Lady Gaga – Moon in Scorpio (Twitter’s Ascendant is Scorpio)
2. Justin Bieber – Moon in Libra – (This sign does not match Twitter’s horoscope)
3. Barack Obama – Moon in Gemini (Twitter’s Mars is in Gemini)
4. Britney Spears – Moon in Aquarius (Twitter’s Venus is in Aquarius)
5. Katy Perry – Moon in Scorpio (Twitter’s Ascendant is Scorpio)
6. Kim Kardashian – Moon in Sagittarius (Twitter’s Moon is in Sagittarius)
7. Аshton Кutcher – Moon in Aquarius (Twitter’s Venus is in Aquarius)
8. Ellen DeGeneres – Moon in Aries (Twitter’s Sun is in Aries)
9. Taylor Swift – Moon in Cancer – (This sign does not match Twitter’s horoscope)
10. Shakira – Moon in Aries (Twitter’s Sun is in Arias)
11. Oprah Winfrey – Moon in Sagittarius (Twitter’s Moon is in Sagittarius)
12. Rihanna – Moon in Aries (Twitter’s Sun is in Ariеs)

Again we see the dominance of certain signs! The Sun, the Ascendant and the Moon of most of the top users are in signs, that match very important planets in the Twitter horoscope.

I don’t think this is just a coincidence. Still don’t believe in astrology!?

If this astrological correlation is valid for the top users in Twitter, will it be valid for all the users? What can be inferred, for you as a user, according to your zodiac sign?

Your roll in Twitter can be characterized and you can find how to be successful in Twitter using the potential of your zodiac sign.

Let’s start with the zodiac sign Aries.

Those born under the sign of Aries are favored by the fact that Twitter is also born under it. Twitter can be your passion. You can achieve your goals, be the leading experts in your area, attract many followers and expand your contacts.

In Twitter’s horoscope, the sign Aries is located in the 5th and 6th house, which means that your goal in this social network is to have fun with people using your posts or to be helpful where needed. For you Twitter is a place where you can express your selves. Always be first at what you are tweeting and you will be followed! Don’t forget to follow back!

MOTTO: Be useful, while have fun.

WARNING: You might ignore your real life contacts due to the virtual ones!

Most successful role in Twitter: To lead and to be helpful.

Top 5 Aries in Twitter
Lady Gaga (@ladygaga)
Mariah Carey (@MariahCarey)
Perez Hilton (@PerezHilton)
Conan O’Brien (@ConanOBrien)
Kourtney Kardashian (@KourtneyKardash)

Taurus, check your role: here
Gemini: here
Cancer: here
Leo: here
Virgo: here
Libra: here
Scorpio: here
Sagittarius: here
Capricorn: here
Aquarius: here
Pisces: here



  1. Too bad I can’t see the degrees on the Twitter your chart. It looks like Twitter’s Aqua Venus sits right on my Saturn. I like it and all, but it’s somehow never fun.

  2. This is exactly a thing I have to find more information about, i appreciate you for the article.

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