link to Part 1: How to be successful in Twitter using the potential of your zodiac sign
As we saw in Part 1, by using Twitter’s horoscope we can determine, what is the most successful role of a person in the social network, according to his zodiac sign.
Twitter could be a perfect place for those born under the sign of Scorpio, after all Twitter’s Ascendant is Scorpio and so is the founder of Twitter – @ Jack. Who could understand the mechanism, which generates 200 million messages a day, better then you? You could identify your Twitter profile and find people to follow you. The reason why Scorpios value Twitter is that they can express themselves, while remaining somewhat anonymous, or undisturbed. People don’t focus on their personality, but on their work.
Scorpio sign is projected in the 1st and 12th house in Twitter’s horoscope, which provides you with two diametrically opposed ways for your development in Twitter. To be passive while gathering information and following people, who interest you. Or to be yourself and achieve your goal, using the opportunities that this site provides. The choice is yours, if you choose the second option; you will be much more successful and satisfied with yourselves. Find and express yourselves, and people will follow you!
Scorpio, you like Twitter more as it is now, compared to what it was in the beginning
MOTTO: “I express myself through my tweets”. Alternatively: “I’m keeping track of what you tweet”
WARNING: Don’t hide yourself.
Most successful role in Twitter: Leader, observer
Top 5 Scorpios in Twitter:
Katy Perry (@katyperry)
P. diddy (@iamdiddy)
Demi Moore (@mrskutcher)
Bill Gates (@BillGates)
Drizzy Drake (@drakkardnoir)
Aries, check your role here
Taurus: here
Gemini: here
Cancer: here
Leo: here
Virgo: here
Libra: here
Scorpio: here
Sagittarius: here
Capricorn: here
Aquarius: here
Pisces: here